Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dishcloth / Potholder A Day 30 Day Challenge & Craft Exchange

Picture Above from Almost Crafty

I have been reading for  months about the Dishcloth-A-Day Challenge that is going on on the Best Free Crochet website. The challenge that they are doing there is to make a dishcloth a day for 365 days. I really like the idea and the creative challenge of making each piece different, but what do you do with 365 dishcloths at the end of the year?! I don't have drawer or linen closet space for quite that many.

So, I thought I would broaden it to both dishcloths and potholders and reduce the number of days down to 30. Then, add to that thought the fact that I've always wanted to do a craft exchange with my friends, and I think I've come up with a fun idea. Who wants to join me for a month long, dishcloth / potholder challenge where we make one item a day for that 30 day period and then at the end plan a tea party where we all get together and exchange our crafty treasures?

Potholders shown here made by Emma Lamb

I know I have a lot of friends out there who knit and/or crochet. I would be open to including sewn potholders too in the mix since I know those can be fun and quick to make and so very useful. What do you think?

I'm working on my first one now and will be posting up later when I get it finished. If you'd like to take part, just leave a quick note in the comments field on this page so we'll know who all wants to participate.


  1. I love the idea! If we can do it in October........ :)

  2. I would be okay with post-poning until october. More time for me to plan which ones to make.

  3. That sounds really fun. I have a couple big projects I *need* to finish between now and then, but if I can get them done, I'd love to join you. Another idea is snowflakes, for yule gifts-another something I've had on my list for a while. Also, also. Mark is in the background telling me not to do it, so we'll have to see ;)

  4. Aww, keep it in mind for october Heather and if you have time I would love for you to join us in the challenge and exchange. I know how projects can get overwhelming when there are lots of little parts to it so I aam going to try and keep it low key, fun, and no pressure
